PediAtric Critical Care Medicine Interdisciplinary Student InvestiGATORs (PACISI)
This Undergraduate Research Internship Program provides enrolled students at UF the training and opportunity to participate in clinical research at a level one trauma center and tertiary care PICU. Designed for students who are interested in pursuing future careers in medicine, the PACISI program equips student research interns with research experience in this field. PACISI program research interns will work with a senior research mentor and will also directly observe clinical patient care while spending time with residents, fellows, and attending physicians. Research Interns will either receive research credit or register as a volunteer.
- PACISI Interns will attend all UF Health and HR required orientation and training sessions prior to beginning their research and clinical experiences in the PICU.
- PACISI Interns will rotate through rounds with clinical staff.
- A PCCM Research Mentor will be assigned to each student. Projects may be clinical or translational.
- Students will attend monthly rounds and seminars to discuss various research topics, including the Office of Clinical Research Tasks, IRB Brown Bag Lunches, Medical School Admissions Talks, medical student life events, continuing medical education series, and other COM events related to the fields of clinical research and healthcare.
- All PACISI program research Interns are expected to work with their mentors 8-10 hours a week and to present a poster at the UF CUR Research Symposium annually and are encouraged to seek additional opportunities, under the discretion of their PCCM Research Mentors.
Some PACISI Positions require training before you can work on the project. Please keep this in mind as you apply.
Applicants with previous research experience who are willing to make a two-year commitment to PACISI will receive preference in the application selection process.
For this application, you will need a letter of recommendation from someone who can speak to your academic or research experiences. You will also need a copy of your CV and your most recent unofficial academic transcript from one.uf.
To apply, please click the button below and complete the form
Olivia Tyler
Center for Undergraduate Research
1700 Stadium Road, Newell Hall Rm 202
PO Box 117535
Gainesville, FL 32611